Is Dieting Worth The Trouble?

The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

This may sound like good news to anyone who has ever dieted, but it was startling news to dieting researchers. The National Institutes of Health reported last month that their large dieting study had to be ended two years prematurely because it found no differences in cardiovascular health between participants in a strict diet and exercise program and those in a control group. The scientific community had been waiting for the results of this study for a long time, because this was no ordinary trial. This was the “Look AHEAD” (Action for HEAlth in Diabetes) trial led by eminent researcher Rena Wing. With its rigorous design and strict low-calorie diet, it had accomplished what other trials of this magnitude had not: Participants in it had been successful at their garcinia cambogia extract diets for four years.
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Despite ongoing research indicating that dieting not only doesn’t produce lasting weight loss but may also lead to weight gain, especially in teens, many of us fall under the spell and argue in favor of dieting, saying that it is healthy and good, even something to be admired and rewarded, a virtue worth pursuing. The multi-billion dollar diet industry seduces us into believing that cycles of dieting are the best way to achieve the “right” body for each one of us. According to psychologist Deb Burgard, who has been at the forefront of the “Health At Every Size” movement, “They never admit that dieting triggers disordered eating in vulnerable people,” or that it increases physical cravings and emotional deprivation thereby setting up an increased likelihood for binge eating, which eventually increases weight. “The problem,” says Burgard, “is people just believe dieting is good, like a religion, and you are the atheist in the room when you question it.
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Fat Loss Vs. Muscle Gain

Four principles accelerate fat loss

Fat loss and muscle gain require different workout routines and nutritional approaches. In addition, certain supplements may help enhance your fat loss and muscle gain. Consult a doctor prior to using any supplements or beginning a workout routine. You Might Also Like How to Lose Belly Fat & Gain Butt Muscle Pre-Workout Nutrition Properly fueling your body for exercise is vital for fat loss and muscle gain — but the calorie and nutrient content of meals varies depending on your goal. If you want to lose fat, you need to create a calorie deficit, so a smaller meal is preferable. Try to consume fewer calories than you will burn in your exercise session.
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These conditions have become major health concerns, as approximately 300,000 deaths are associated with obesity every year. In fact, as one`s body mass index (BMI) increases, so does one`s risk of disease and death garcinia cambogia side effects from all causes. Obesity is a disorder characterized by an accumulation of excess body fat to an extent that impairs health. To be more specific, a person is classified as clinically obese once his BMI reaches 30. It is important to understand that many hormones and enzymes – the activity of which are ultimately determined by genes interacting with the environment – fundamentally control fat regulation.
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Diet Recommendations Review of Simple Fat Loss Diets Explains Why This Program is for Everyone

E-mail Address Send to a Friend Boston, MA (PRWEB) November 11, 2013 Anyone out there confused about dieting and weight loss can now end the confusion with the new Simple Fat Loss Diets guide being offered by Mike Whitfield. In a new video review from Diet Recommendations, they discuss how this innovative downloadable PDF is helping people find the right diet plan for their lifestyle and needs. Whitfield first arrived on the scene with his incredibly effective Workout Finishers program that he developed using the principles of metabolic resistance training to increase fat burning to the highest possible levels in the human body. Mike Whitfield lost a total of 105 pounds using workout techniques that were developed in Workout Finishers along with his favorite dieting technique which is found in Simple Fat Loss Diets.
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Vitamins: Too Much Of A Not-so-good Thing?

Dr. Paul Offit says everyone should be more skeptical about taking large doses of vitamins.

It is important for consumers to have an open dialogue with their health care practitioners about their dietary supplement regimens, and hopefully this book won’t deter them from doing so.” The abundance of strong studies on the harmful effects of megavitamins suggests to Offit that these supplements are worse than Vioxx. That was an anti-inflammatory drug that its manufacturer, Merck, voluntarily withdrew from the market in 2004 after evidence emerged of its harm to the heart in some people. “I think if vitamins were a regulated industry, you could argue that megavitamins would have a black box warning on them,” he told CNN. Because the industry is not regulated, Offit said, no one knows if alternative remedies are actually the same, or have a standard concentration, from batch to batch. No safety or efficacy data is available, either, the way there is with pharmaceuticals regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, he said.
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The Top Five Vitamins You Should Not Take

This is why we do science, people. Our intuitions arent always right: just because a little bit of something is good for you does not mean that a lot of it is even better. Vitamins dont boost your immune system, they dont promote joint health, they dont reduce stress, and they dont help prevent colds or other common ailments. So what should one do? Ignore the marketing, and treat supplements like you would any other medicine: take them with caution.
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